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Animal Mazes

Mazes of animals, lots of animals.

Last Maze The Mouse SawCat Attack Psychedelic Maze Yonatan Frimer
Click here for the Maze Solution of Cat Attack Maze

Z as in Zebra Maze

Maze of a zebra for the letter Z by Yonatan FrimerClick for Maze Solution of Z is for Zebra Maze

Parrot Maze: Maze for you shoulderParrot maze yonatan frimer

Shark Maze

illustration maze of shark jaws attacking

Bull Maze

Maze illustration of a Charging Bull

Elephant Maze
Elephant Maze Comic

Gator Maze

Alligator, Crocodile, in the kitchen Mazes, Vanishing Point, Inkblot Art, in the kitchen

Zebra Maze

Zebra Maze Comic

B as in Bird Maze

Maze of a bird for the letter B
Click for Maze Solution
of B is for Bird Maze
The Last Maze The Cat Saw
maze of a barking dog, by yonatan frimer

Maze of deer caught in the headlights

Deer in the headlights maze yonatan frimer

R is For Raccoon - Maze of a Raccoon
Maze of Raccoon for the Letter R Maze
Click for Maze Solution of R for Raccoon Maze

Snake Maze
Black Snake Maze

Panda Maze

Panda Maze, Created by Yonatan Frimer, Mazes Artist

Rhino Maze

rhino maze

Pony Maze
maze running pony

Bunny Maze
rabbit maze Cute Bunny Maze

W is for Walrus - Maze of Walrusmaze of walrus
Click for Maze Solution of Walrus Maze

P is for Penguin - Maze of PenguinCool maze of a penguin
Click for Maze Solution of Penguin Maze

Turkey Maze

Turkey Maze, Thanksgiving the Maze

Gorilla Maze
gorilla Mazes, maze

G is for Goat MazeMaze of a goat by Yonatan Frimer
Click for Maze Solution of Goat Maze
Maze of a goat, the furry cute farm animal with big horns.  This maze goes with the maze of the letter G for the kids book, "Learn To A Maze" Which uses mazes to teach kids the alphabet. By Yonatan Frimer.

You can also find Goat Maze online at these links:

L is for Lion MazeLion maze of letter L by Yonatan Frimer
Click for Maze Solution of Lion Maze
Maze of a lion, the king of the jungle and top of the food chain other than humans. Known for their courage, lions are power animals that control large territories and roam and hunt them.  Maze starts in the upper left corner and maze ends in the lower right corner, marked by the arrows.  This maze goes with the maze of the letter L for the kids book, "Learn To A Maze" Which uses mazes to teach kids the alphabet. By Yonatan Frimer.

You can also find Goat Maze online at these links:

Puppy Maze

Puppy dog maze

Killer Maze - Orca
Jewish Star Magen David Maze Art

O is for Ostrich MazeOstrich Maze by Yonatan Frimer the maze artist
Click for Maze Solution of Ostrich Maze

H is for Horse Mazeh is for horse maze by yonatan frimer for the letter H maze
Click for Maze Solution of Horse Maze
Maze of a horse, the animal humans used to ride to travel before the car or train was invented. It was either that or walking.  Maze starts in the upper left corner and maze ends in the lower right corner, marked by the arrows.  This maze goes with the maze of the letter H for the kids book, "Learn To A Maze" Which uses mazes to teach kids the alphabet. By Yonatan Frimer.

You can also find Goat Maze online at these links:

F is for Fish MazeMaze of a fish for the letter F

Click for Maze Solution of Fish Maze
Maze of a tropical fish. The brave swimmers of our planet's waters. Maze starts in the upper left corner and maze ends in the lower right corner, marked by the arrows.  This maze goes with the maze of the letter F for the kids book, "Learn To A Maze" Which uses mazes to teach kids the alphabet. By Yonatan Frimer.

You can also find Fish Maze online at these links:

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Maze of Vanati Mouse
maze of genetic miracle vacanti mouse

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