Jagged Swirl Maze 

   Maze of a Jagged Swirl   

              Maze Optical Illusions          

Yonatan Frimer's Optical Illusion Maze of swirl that is jagged. Cool

Jagged Swirl Maze

jagged swirl maze optical illusion by Yonatan Frimer

Maze of a jagged swirl that is pretty trippy to look at.
Maze solution for the jagged swirl maze.

This maze optical illusion of a jagged swirl is created by a making and edge detect sort of illusion with lines converging toward the center vanishing point and then also having a series of concentric circles that "slide" the pathways along the converging lines. This effect creates the visiual illusion that the entire graphic is spinning and it makes the eyes want to keep getting a grasp on the images as it flees visually.

The maze aspect of this art is indeed a puzzle. Like any ordinary maze, you simply need to find the pathway from the entrance (marked by inward pointing arrows) all the way to the exit (also marked, but with out-ward pointing arrows) and find the path of white that connects them. There should only be one solution and there is no time limit in how long you must give yourself for solving the maze. If you can't solve the maze, you can always visit the Jagged Swirl Maze Solution - but at least TRY and solve it before you peak at the solutions.

As we are sure you enjoyed this maze, we encourage you to find it on any one of the popular blogs or social networking sites that it appears on. Below is a list of links that will lead you to this Maze of a Jagged Swirl on your favorite sites and blogs. Enjoy!

Top Ten Locations to download the Jagged Swirl Maze

  1. Jagged Swirl Maze on Devian Art
  2. Jagged Swirl Maze on Fine Art America
  3. Jagged Swirl Maze on Flickr
  4. Optical Illusion Mazes on Facebook
  5. Jagged Swirl Maze on TwitPic
  6. Jagged Swirl Maze on Photobucket
  7. Jagged Swirl Maze on Saatchi Online
  8. Jagged Swirl Maze on Live Journal
  9. Jagged Swirl Maze on Picassa
  10. Jagged Swirl Maze on Red Bubble

Some other popular mazes:

Click here to google image search the word "maze" - We come up a few times!

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