Electric Swirl Maze 

   Maze of Electric Illusion    

              Maze Optical Illusions          

Yonatan Frimer's Optical Illusion Maze of an electric swirl.

The Electric Maze Optical Illusion

Optical Illusion maze of an off centered electric swirl by Yonatan Frimer
Maze of an off-centered optical illusion of an electrical swirl
If you can't solve this maze, have a look at the Electric Optical Illusion maze solution

Top 10 places to download the Electric Optical Illusion Maze
  1. Electricl Swirl Maze on Devian Art
  2. Electric Swirl off center Maze on Flickr
  3. Electric Swirl Maze TwitPic
  4. Electric swirl Maze On Rossello Damiano
  5. Electric Optical Illusion Maze on Photobucket
  6. Electric Swirl Maze on Saatchi Online
  7. Electric Swirl Maze on Live Journal
  8. Electric Swirl Maze on Picassa
  9. Electric Swirl Maze on Red Bubble
  10. Electric Swirl Optical Illusion Maze on Team Of Monkeys

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